Navigating a child’s ADHD diagnosis alone can feel overwhelming

Hyland Hub is committed to helping ADHD individuals to thrive.


We specialize in working hand in hand with the people who have the greatest influence in children’s lives – parents and teachers. We do this by offering consultative one-to-one sessions, training & support, and educational advocacy rooted in best practices.

Megan lends the best ear. She listens to experiences and somehow balances objectivity, sympathy, and empathy. When seeking support I have been offered new perspectives based on broad expertise. I hear just what I need, not too little, not too much, and end up with a forward moving plan.
- Mom of “C”
My child has ADHD and I’ve been speaking with Megan for over three years now. Being a parent has its challenges and learning about ADHD can be very stressful, but Megan has really helped me with simple information that I can use to help my little one. She’s been a blessing to us.
-Shannon J
Megan helped me define expectations for my son's educators and her insights gave me the confidence to advocate for his needs. With her support, our family successfully navigated the challenges of changing schools and implementing a 504 plan. My son has ADHD and he is happy, healthy, and thriving…Thank you Megan!
Working with Meg is incredibly enlightening. Firstly and foremost, she helped me realize that I am not alone. Her incredible support, understanding, and deep knowledge helped me become a strong advocate for my child when she was first diagnosed with ADHD. Meg has guided me to represent and protect my child’s best interest in school situations, both academic and behavioral. Beyond school, she helped give me a comprehensive understanding of ADHD and learn strategies to improve life at home and school, for which our family is deeply grateful.
- Danielle

Let us help you tap into research-based tools and methods to improve outcomes – both at home and at school.

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ADHD children can thrive. You can thrive.  And you do not need to figure it out alone.

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