
Have always known your child is just a little bit different than their peer group? Or were you shocked when your child’s teacher or pediatrician suggested the possibility of ADHD?
Regardless of how you landed here, receiving an ADHD diagnosis and deciding whether to medicate is just the beginning of your journey as the parent of an ADHD child.
Each family and neurodiverse individual has their own unique challenges. Your experience with Hyland Hub is based on what you need.

Most families benefit from assistance with some or all of the following topics:

  • Moving beyond behaviors to effect meaningful change
  • Identifying the right school environment
  • Establishing daily routines
  • Getting teachers onboard with meeting your child’s needs – including deciding to request an IEP or 504 plan evaluation. 
  • Using your money and time wisely when it comes to selecting ADHD tools and alternative therapies
  • Managing sibling conflict
  • Garnering support from well-meaning extended family who are not well-versed in neurodiversity
  • Defusing temper tantrums and high emotionality
  • Identifying supportive people to share your successes and brainstorm challenges
  • Motivating children to do things that are not fun
  • Deciding when to “let things go” and when to be “that parent” when negative intention has been assigned to your neurodiverse child
  • Making and keeping friendships – for the ADHD individual and their families, too
  • Working with medical professionals to find the right medication at the right dose
  • Identifying effective, research-based therapies 
  • Responding to feedback from teachers and coaches
  • Advocating for their child’s rights in the world